Smoking and Water blessing

This ceremony is held at the beginning of a sacred or special event.  The smoking ceremony cleanses our hearts and minds so that at the beginning of the ceremony all people gather in unity.   The water blessing ceremony draws upon the waters and spirits of the rivers and renews us in our baptism.

Protocol for smoking ceremony: This is only done by an Aboriginal person

Blessing of the Smoke (hold right hand out over the smoke)

Creator Spirit, for thousands of years you have shaped and renewed the land, blessing your people with the gifts of creation.

Draw into this place now all our Sacred Ancestors and all those who we love and remember at this time.

Creator God, we ask you to bless this smoke.

May this smoke cleanse and heal us today.

May this smoke help us to feel God’s peace and love in our hearts and  minds.

May this smoke bless this place and all who are gathered with us today.


Protocol for water blessing: In the context of an Aboriginal ceremony, the water sprinkling is done by an Aboriginal person.

Water Blessing (hold right hand out over the water)

This water that comes to us from the Rivers which flow through the heart of the  ……………. country, may this water continue to give life and refreshment to all of us.

The waters remind us of our Baptism and our belonging to this community. May the blessing of this water deepen our Life in the Spirit and give us the courage to walk in the way of our culture and in the way of Jesus.

Let us now bless this water.

Blessed are you all powerful God, who in Jesus, the living water of salvation, blesses and transforms us. 

Grant that when we use this water we will be refreshed inwardly by the power of the Holy Spirit to give us the strength and courage to walk in the new life of following Jesus, our Light.’

We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord.


All are blessed with smoke and water