Prayer for the Sick

This prayer can be used when visiting someone who is sick, or when praying for them from afar.  We remember the long tradition of asking for spiritual and physical healing.  When using this prayer, an elder or respected person may give the sick one a rubbing on the arm as those people gathered say this prayer together.

Father of all. You gave us the dreaming when you made the Aboriginal people in the beginning.

Through your great ancestral beings you formed our homelands and our sacred places.  Through the wise men and women of old you taught us our laws and traditions.

You gave us the land as our mother.  You taught us how to care for one another, and for all those things to which you had given life.

Then after thousands of years you sent your son Jesus to live as one of us in poverty and oppression.  He did not destroy but He fulfilled the teaching of the Dreamtime.

He underwent the great passage of death, and then rose again to prepare a place for each of us in the resurrection, which is the fulfillment of the Dreamtime.

We ask You to pour out your blessings upon this our sister/brother who is sick.  Grant him/her healing if it is to be your holy will.  When she/he is downcat and afraid give her/him hope and courage.  May your grace and serenity surround her/him and give her/him comfort in her/his sufferings.

May she/he sense you love in those who care for her/him and may the peace of your loving presence be strong in her/his spirit.

We make this prayer through Jesus our great ancestor in faith who loved the sick.  Amen

We pray together the Our Father …

We pray together the Hail Mary …

(The prayer ends with the Sign of the Cross)