Prayers of Intercession

Prayer of the Faithful (1)


My dear friends, let us join with one another in praying to God, not only for our departed brother/sister, but also for the church, for peace in the world, and for ourselves.


That those who bear the cross of pain in mind or body may
never feel forsaken by God.
Let us pray to the Lord.

People:  Lord, hear our prayer.


That God may deliver the soul of his servant (N) from punishment and from the powers of darkness.
Let us pray to the Lord.

People:  Lord, hear our prayer.


That God may establish (N) in light and peace.
Let us pray to the Lord.

People:  Lord, hear our prayer.


That God may call our brother/sister to happiness in the company
of all the saints.
Let us pray to the Lord.

People: Lord, hear our prayer.


That God may welcome into his glory those of our family and friends who have departed this life.
Let us pray to the Lord.

People:  Lord, hear our prayer.


That God may give a place in the kingdom of heaven to all
the faithful departed.
Let us pray to the Lord.

People:  Lord, hear our prayer.


O God, Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of your departed servants release from all their sins.

Hear our prayers for those we love and give them the pardon they have always desired.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

People:  Amen.